installation, video, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 2011
The installation headfonds deals with the events in the center of the monetary economic growth – the banking and finance system. The setting is the workplace of a financial trader who participates as a key figure in the mandatory creation of money.
As a trader of derivatives such as futures, options and certificates he stands at the end of a financial market division of labor. He transfers money from the real economy to the financial capitalism and deals with this. Money-commodity-money-commodity becomes money money money money. Trading on financial markets has assumed enormous proportions and is currently about 75 times larger than the world gross domestic product.
We show the character of a trader who succumbs to the attraction of excessive growth. Collective hysteria and technical fantasies fueling his imagination. He is carried away in a maelstrom of irrational passion. He begins hysterically to overcome his physical limitations and finds himself in a situation in which his existence does no longer resist the force of this unleashed dynamics.