works / 2006 SAD BLOCK BRASS BAND, 2006 Performance / Aktion on the opening day of Steirischen Herbst, Graz 2006 On the opening day a funeral procession accompanied by a professional brass band is marching through the City of Graz. more
performances / works / 2006 reale reste, 2006 reale reste, videoinstallation, Forum Stadtpark, <rotor>, Steirischer Herbst, Graz 2006 The backdrop to this piece are the living dead, the so-called zombies: When the statistics have reached capacity, the excluded return. more
works / 2006 Aktuelle Kunst aus Europa, öffentlicher Raum Wien 2005/2006 Solidarity Declaration: It is not the task of art to please or to satisfy the interests of the politicians in power. The “rolling board” project brings 75 artists and artist groups from all over Europe to Austria – in order to present their reflections on reality in public space. more