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works / 2022

Krieg ich nicht


Solo exhibition and sculptural performances, Kunstraum Osnabrück and Westfälischer Friedenssaal

At the very moment when the world is set up, everything fades away. The power of habituation has made us blind and deaf to the global event space that has piled up behind our backs. So far, we have managed to keep the collateral damage of our own actions at bay. But what do we see when we look beyond the climate crisis, coronavirus and now war?

The relationship of trust between us and reality has been severely shaken. Fragments of meaning no longer add up to a stable being, our functioning value structure is falling apart. And what about us? We are thrown back on our own ego, a crumbling we with dwindling social energies. Is it the learned inability to relate our private, particular concerns to the big picture of the world? Our agreement with ourselves is cracking. In this tension, we see an opportunity to expose our own helplessness in order to seek other ways out.

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Actresses: Johanna Mousset, Stephanie Schadeweg und Lieko Schulze